Impact of 3-Phase Full-Wave Rectifier on 3-Phase AC Motors: Voltage Regulation and Power Output Efficiency


  • Aditya Achmad Safriansyah Marine Electrical, Engineering, Shipbuilding Institute of Polytechnic Surabaya, Indonesia


practicum trainer, controlled 3 phase rectifier, full wave converter


Practical training (practicum) plays a crucial role in the educational process, especially in vocational education institutions such as polytechnics. It is essential for enhancing student skills and facilitating effective teaching and learning, particularly in hands-on activities. This study aims to develop an experimental setup for an uncontrolled 3-phase rectifier practicum, where the rectification parameters closely align with theoretically calculated values. An experimental research approach is employed, involving the design, construction, and testing of both a Half-Wave and Full-Wave Rectifier, based on established rectifier theory. The test results demonstrate the performance of the rectifiers, showing the values of current, voltage, and output power under various operating conditions. This study contributes to the development of practical learning tools that help students better understand the principles of power electronics and rectification processes in a controlled environment, bridging the gap between theoretical concepts and real-world applications.


