Mathematical modeling and simulation of open loop and closed loop systems for a second-order Rotary type S-50-39 motor: Ziegler Nichols


  • Moses Yudha Dua Lembang Marine Electrical Enginnering, Shipbuilding Institute of Polytechnic Surabaya, Indonesia


Servo motor, Routh Hurwitz, Ziegler Nichols Method, PID, simulation, Modeling


This study examines optimal control methods for a servo motor, focusing on performance
evaluation in both open-loop and closed-loop conditions. In open-loop configuration, the PID
method is identified as the best solution due to its ability to provide superior system stability and
response. For closed-loop systems, a proportional (P) control method is selected based on its fast
rise time and very small overshoot, making it suitable for applications requiring rapid response and
high accuracy. The parameter values for the closed-loop system are determined using the RouthHurwitz criteria to ensure system stability. The findings of this research provide practical guidance
for the efficient and stable implementation of DC motor control.


