Angular velocity control of a DC motor using the PID method
DC motor, PID, Matlab, SimulinkAbstract
The DC motor is widely utilized in industrial and household applications due to its flexibility and relatively simple operation. However, one of its drawbacks is the inconsistency in speed, particularly when the load increases. To address this issue, a controller is required to maintain a constant speed that aligns with the desired set point. PID control is a method designed to minimize the error rate in a system or plant. This type of control incorporates three parameters: Proportional (P), Integral (I), and Derivative (D), which collectively determine the response level of the controller to the plant. Proper tuning of these parameters is essential, and various methods can be employed to adjust them to suit the specific characteristics of the plant. In this study, a PID controller is implemented and simulated using MATLAB and Simulink to evaluate its effectiveness..