Optimization of 1 Phase AC Motor Rotation Regulation with Full-Wave Uncontrolled Rectifier Using PSIM Simulation in Electrical Control System


  • Shafa Frilla Tama Automation Engineering Study Program, Department of Ship Electrical Engineering, Surabaya State Marine Polytechnic, ITS Sukolilo, JL. Chemical Engineering, Keputih, Sukolilo District, Surabaya City, East Java 60111


1 Phase AC Motor Rotation Regulation, PSIM Simulation, Full Wave Rectifier, Controlled Rectifier, Motor Control, Thyristor, Oscillator


The rotation arrangement of a single-phase AC motor can be done by several methods, including frequency regulation, voltage, the use of variable motor resistors, or the addition of the number of poles to the motor. One effective technique for controlling the speed of the motor is to regulate the frequency of the motor rotation through the setting of a variable resistor value controlled by an unstable oscillator circuit. A full-wave rectifier is used to convert alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC), which is then passed to the inverter and oscillator to control the output frequency. In this system, the thyristor trigger circuit modifies the phase angle, which affects the frequency and ultimately regulates the rotational speed of the single-phase motor. The adjustment of the variable resistance value in the PSIM simulation directly affects the motor frequency, allowing for an in-depth analysis of the rotational characteristics of the motor based on the transformer output voltage modeling. PSIM simulations not only provide detailed visualization of basic electronic circuits, but also help minimize the possibility of failures in physical circuits. This study aims to model and analyze the rotation arrangement of a single-phase motor using PSIM simulation, which offers a practical solution in the design and evaluation of a full-wave uncontrolled rectifier-based motor control system.


